Modern problems of science and education. Security as one of the basic human needs Security as one of the basic human needs


The analysis of the problem of human security in the environment was carried out: technogenic, social, informational. The decisive role of meeting the individual's need for security as a factor in the development and improvement of the quality of life is shown. The theoretical and methodological basis was formed by the psychological theories of A. Maslow, C. Jung, A.N. Leontiev and the provisions of the theory of needs N.A. Konoplev and L.P. Shipovskaya. As a condition for meeting the need for security, the psychological security of the environment is indicated, which provides the individual with a state of security in various life situations. An analysis of the study of students' ideas about life safety and satisfaction with their need for safety is presented. The task of creating a safe educational environment that satisfies the students' need for security, as well as the task of forming students' needs in the analysis of the psychological, information space, has been updated.



psychological safety

educational environment

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The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, the Doctrine of Information Security, the Concept of Public Security in the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Security" and other regulatory and doctrinal documents set the task of ensuring the security of each person by protecting vital interests and satisfying basic needs. Recently, the position has been updated that only when the need for security is satisfied does a tendency arise for the existence and development of the individual and society.

Creating the technosphere and sociosphere, man sought to increase the comfort of the living environment, to increase sociability, to provide protection from natural and anthropogenic negative impacts. All this favorably affected the living conditions and, together with other factors, affected the quality of life. At the same time, the homosphere, which includes the industrial (educational), domestic, urban environment, is unsafe. The new technospheric conditions include the conditions of human habitation in cities, industrial centers, production, transport and living conditions of life. Almost the entire urbanized population lives in the technosphere, where living conditions differ significantly from biospheric ones due to the increased impact of technogenic negative factors on humans. Technosphere is an area transformed by a person with the help of direct or indirect impact of technical means to meet their needs. Speaking about a person in the sociosphere, it must be remembered that a person is not only a physiological, but also a social, mental being. The social environment is characterized by a cultural and psychological climate created by the people themselves from their connections and influence on each other, carried out directly, as well as through the material, energy and information impact of various factors. The "artificial world" created by mankind in the natural environment is formed not only by the technosphere (the world of technology, technology, structures, etc.), but also by the information sphere, the importance of which is constantly growing. The draft UN Convention "On Ensuring International Information Security" defines "information space" as "a field of activity related to the formation, creation, transformation, transfer, use, storage of information, which affects, among other things, individual and public consciousness, information infrastructure and actual information." Of particular importance for a person is social information as the most massive means of communication and influence. The content of this particular information determines the functioning of public entities, professional, age and ethnic groups of people, state and public institutions, as well as specific people, their thoughts and actions.

Thus, today the vital interests and needs of the individual, ensuring his safety, are determined not only and not so much by technospheric and physiological indicators, but also by psychological and informational ones.

In the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language S.I. Ozhegova and N.Yu. Shvedova gives the following definition of need: “Need is a need, a need for something that requires satisfaction.” “Need is a state not yet associated with a specific object and a feeling of lack of something or, on the contrary, a desire to maintain a state of satisfaction, comfort. When the need is recognized, "objectified", when it becomes clear what exactly is needed, then one speaks of the state of need. “A need is a need that has taken a specific, concrete, objective form in accordance with the cultural level and personality of the individual. The object of need becomes a motive for activity, directing the subject to meet the need in accordance with the need and regulating his activity. "Need is a property of all living things, expressing the initial initial form of its active, selective attitude to the conditions of the external environment."

The basis of somatic health is the biological program of individual human development. This development program is mediated by basic needs (such as nutrition, movement, knowledge of the surrounding world, etc.). Basic needs, firstly, determine the trigger mechanism for human development (the formation of his somatic health), and secondly, ensure the individualization of this process.

A. Maslow placed human needs in a certain hierarchical sequence: physiological needs, security needs, love needs, attachment needs, belonging needs; the need for respect, the need for knowledge, aesthetic needs, the need for self-actualization (self-expression).

Personality as social in nature, relatively stable education is the social quality of the individual; system of motivational relations; individual form of existence and development of social ties and relationships. Security is a phenomenon that ensures the normal development of the individual. The need for security is basic in the hierarchy of human needs, without partial satisfaction of which the harmonious development of the individual, the achievement of self-realization is impossible. A. Maslow notes that after satisfaction of physiological needs, their place in the motivational life of an individual is occupied by needs of another level, which in the most general form can be combined into the category of security (the need for security; stability; dependence; protection, freedom from fear, anxiety and chaos; need for structure, order, law, restrictions). Like physiological needs, A. Maslow believed, these desires can dominate in the body. They can usurp the right to organize behavior by subordinating to their will all the possibilities of the organism, aiming them at achieving security. Just as in the case of a hungry person, the main goal not only determines the perception of the individual, but also presupposes his philosophy of the future, the philosophy of values. If this condition is gaining extreme strength or becomes chronic, then they say that a person thinks only about safety.

The need for security manifests itself in “security; stability; dependencies; protection; lack of fear, anxiety and chaos; structure, order, law and restrictions; the strength of the patron". The need for security is seen as an active and basic factor mobilizing the resource of the body in emergency situations such as war, illness, natural disasters, increased crime, social disorganization, neurosis, brain damage, collapse of power or persistent adverse situations. “The need for safety and security reflects an interest in long-term survival, that is, it is a need for organization, stability, predictability of events and freedom from threatening forces.”

For a better understanding of the need for security, A. Maslow observed children in whom the needs of this level manifest themselves more simply and more clearly. The infant reacts to threat much more directly than the adult, and has not yet been taught by upbringing and cultural influences to suppress and restrain his reactions. An adult, even feeling threatened, can hide his feelings, soften their manifestations so much that they go unnoticed by an outside observer. The reaction of the infant is holistic, he reacts with his whole being to a sudden threat - to noise, bright light, rough touch, loss of mother and other sharp sensory stimulation. The need for security in children is manifested in their craving for constancy, streamlining everyday life.

In a normal society, in healthy people, the need for security manifests itself only in mild forms, for example, in the form of a desire to get a well-paid job with social guarantees, a desire to have a home that meets all modern security requirements, etc.

According to psychologists, a modern person during the year has as many contacts with other people, and possibly the same amount of stress, as a person at the beginning of the century had in his entire life. In the context of the growing pace of life, the need of the individual for psychological security is relevant. Psychoanalyst and prominent thinker K.G. By the middle of the last century, i.e., before the start of the scientific, technological and information revolutions, Jung sounded the alarm, believing that under the influence of civilization and especially the continuously following natural, social and economic cataclysms, the mental structure of a person becomes more fragile and narrower. working on the edge. She suffers more and more from a progressive sense of danger, insecurity, an underlying sense of fear for her "I". According to Jung, the splitting of the inner world of a person passes the permissible measure. In conditions of constant acceleration of the pace of life, frequent and sharp renewal of its requirements for a person, the psyche does not have time to rebuild and at least temporarily acquire a state of stable adaptation.

A person who is in a state of psychological safety has adequate actions for the current situation, he is calm, reasonable, can develop a strategy and tactics for his activity, gives adequate self-esteem, realizes the inherent potential not only in professional activities, but in all manifestations of life activity.

"Psychological security is a property of a person that characterizes her protection from destructive influences and an internal resource of opposition (resistance) to destructive influences" . Psychological safety at the level of society is the actual provision of the quality of life and health of people. The psychological security of a person is reflected in the experience of her security in a particular life situation. "To ensure psychological security, it is necessary to establish a sense of community, trust, security, support" . Belonging to certain social groups and social structures gives a sense of protection from possible threats, forms the need for constant connections with the outside world and the need to identify oneself with a certain group, social system.

Psychological security can be defined as “a state of public consciousness in which society as a whole and each individual perceives the existing quality of life as adequate and reliable, since it creates real opportunities to meet the natural and social needs of citizens in the present and gives them grounds for confidence in the future » .

As a result of the growing need for security (physiological, psychological, informational), the search for social institutions is being actualized that would allow a person to satisfy the need, return to him a sense of connection with others, get rid of the feeling of insignificance and insecurity in front of the outside world. First of all, these are the institutions of the family, the educational space (school, university), the space of labor relations.

Security issues are also given attention in the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. In particular, it notes that “an educational organization is obliged to: create safe conditions for learning, educating students ... in accordance with established standards that ensure the life and health of students, employees of an educational organization; observe the rights and freedoms of students, employees of an educational organization”.

In an educational institution, a student often spends more time than in a family environment, so the degree of influence of this microsociety on the development, health and behavior of a child or young man can hardly be overestimated. However, the situation in the field of integrated work to ensure the safety, preservation and promotion of the health of students is far from well-being. It is legitimate to raise questions: what kind of environment does an educational organization create for students and what can it do to form the need for security in the younger generation? The foregoing necessitates the search for new approaches to solving the problems of ensuring safety, preserving and strengthening the health of students, and meeting their safety needs.

In order to determine students' ideas about life safety and satisfaction with their need for safety, we conducted a survey of students of the Shuya branch of Ivanovo State University. 67 people took part in the survey. An analysis of the results of the study showed that out of the respondents, 59 people (88%) under the concept of "life safety" understand physical and psychological safety together. Evaluate human behavior in the presence of psychological security as calm, confident in themselves and in the future, having high self-esteem, 67 people (100%). Performing certain actions with a lack of information, 55 people (82%) are unsure of themselves, 51 people (76%) are worried. Being in a state of psychological danger, 54 people (81%) can carry out activities, while calmly - 16 people (24%). Being in a situation that does not correspond to ideas about it, 34 people (51%) remain calm. In the presence of psychological danger, 38 people (57%) will act exactly according to the algorithm, without making mistakes; 12 people (18%) will withdraw into themselves, 25 people (37%) will be aggressive, 35 people (52%) will experience anxiety, 8 people (12%) will become depressed, 64 people (96%) will have adequate behavior. Getting into a new team, 34 people (51%) feel psychological security, while 64 people (96%) note that a sense of psychological security will contribute to their adaptation in it. 62 people (93%) believe that psychological safety is important when adapting to new living conditions, while 58 people (87%) feel calm and 67 people (100%) have adequate behavior. When the future is uncertain, 45 people (67%) experience anxiety, 18 people (27%) - anxiety, 22 people (33%) - nervousness, 7 people (10%) - confusion, 14 people (21%) - fear, panic - 6 people (9%), depression - 8 people (12%), self-doubt - 20 people (30%).

It should be noted that the survey was largely aimed not at assessing the readiness of students to act in extreme and non-standard situations, but at updating their need for safety.

Thus, we see how important it is for the qualitative realization of human life to satisfy his need for security. “Other things being equal, a person who is safe, belongs to a group, is loved, gains respect and admiration and, as a result, gains self-respect, then he will be healthy” not only physically, but also mentally, “a self-actualizing person in the full sense of the word” . Therefore, it is necessary to pay great attention to the creation of a safe environment that satisfies the students' need for safety, to teach children and young people about life safety, to cultivate a culture of life safety. It is necessary to form the need to analyze the internal environment of a person, his personal, psychological, informational space. In other words, it is necessary to take into account the social aspect of life safety. A young person should have a need to ensure security in everyday life, manifested in the form of a desire to avoid conflict situations in everyday life and in the professional sphere, avoid potentially dangerous places, and build harmonious relationships with others.


Kislyakov P.A., Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Technology, Shuya branch of the Ivanovo State University, Shuya;

Karaseva T.V., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Health-Saving Technologies and Adaptive Physical Culture, Shuya branch of the Ivanovo State University, Shuya.

Bibliographic link

Kislyakova L.P. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PERSON'S NEED FOR SAFETY AND ITS PROVISION IN EDUCATION // Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - No. 2-1 .;
URL: (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Think about and discuss the situation. Lena came home from school and saw that her parents were excited about something. Mom explained to her that her father was fired from his job, so financial difficulties are possible in the near future. How dangerous is this situation for the family?

Security as a human need

The need for security is one of the basic, fundamental human needs; it occupies a high place in the hierarchy of human needs. Each of us wants to live in conditions where the danger of our physical, mental, social, economic existence is minimized. Both individuals and groups of people try to protect themselves from factors that can harm them. They protect their lives, families, property, honor and dignity. But unlike many others, the need for security cannot be fully satisfied, since threats are always present in our lives. It is no coincidence that the famous Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard wrote back in the 19th century: “There are no safe times.” Therefore, in any society, the opportunity to live without risks and dangers is always highly valued. Security is an absolute value, it is universal in nature and is recognized as fundamental by all mankind. This is especially felt during periods of social upheaval, epidemics, wars, and terrorist attacks.

Find the information you need and fix the problem. Today, there are increasing reports of teenagers dying while taking extreme selfies on rooftops, railway bridges, or other structures.

Why is this happening, because the need for security is one of the basic human needs?

In the prevention of danger, the role of the person himself, the features of his worldview, morality is important. The deeper a person understands the world around him, people, the laws that operate in society, the safer his position. Experience helps a person to foresee the consequences of the development of various situations and the dangers associated with this. It should be borne in mind that the state of personal security is weakened if a person does not evaluate and does not foresee the consequences of his actions.

An important means of ensuring personal security is the knowledge of psychological patterns that predetermine people's behavior. This knowledge allows you to make the right decisions and avoid danger.

Find the information you need and answer the question. Ancient wisdom says: "Nothing can affect a person, which would not be the cause of himself." How do you understand this expression?

Types and levels of threats

Threats may concern a specific person (citizen), society and the state. In this regard, there are three levels of threats:

There are types of threats according to the following criteria:

According to the location of the source of danger: external or internal threats;

By origin: natural, anthropogenic, social;

By spheres of life: military, political, economic, food, information, environmental;

According to the probability of implementation: potential, real, immediate.

Sources of threats are understood as conditions and factors that potentially contain destructive, harmful qualities and which, under certain conditions, actually turn out to be hostile to national interests. Response to threats should be adequate to their type and scale, be timely (anticipatory).

Security measures

To ensure protection against threats in the spheres of life, society provides for the creation of systems that help to survive in critical situations and ensure a decent life for people.

Economic security measures are aimed at providing citizens with an income sufficient to meet the necessary needs. Food security measures should make basic foodstuffs available to all sectors of society. Environmental safety measures provide for the protection of the population from environmental disasters and environmental pollution, the availability of clean air and water. The goal of health safety measures is to make health care as accessible and efficient as possible. Personal security measures are aimed at preserving freedom and protecting a person from threats of violence. Political security measures are aimed at respecting fundamental human rights. Public and cultural security measures provide for the protection of cultural diversity and social development from destructive tendencies.

Anchor points. The need for security is recognized as fundamental by all mankind.

To ensure protection against threats, society provides for the creation of political, social, environmental, economic and cultural systems based on the principles of security.

Questions for revision and discussion

I level

1. What security measures exist in our country?

2. What measures does environmental safety provide?

II level

3. What means of psychological protection from dangerous situations do you know?

4. What are the levels and types of threats? Give examples.

III level

5. How do individuals and groups of people try to protect themselves from factors that can harm them?

6. Why can't the need for security be fully satisfied?

IV level

7. Prove that the need for security is one of the basic human needs.

8. Why does the state of personal security weaken if a person does not evaluate and does not foresee the consequences of his actions?

This is textbook material.

Human Needs Theory - Maslow's Pyramid of Human Needs

There are 5 basic human needs (according to the theory of A. Maslow):

    • Physiological needs (food, water, warmth, shelter, sex, sleep, health, cleanliness).
    • The need for security and protection (including stability).
    • The need for belonging to a social group, belonging and support. In this case, we are talking about a partner, family, friends, intimacy and affection.
    • The need for respect and recognition (self-respect, self-esteem, confidence, prestige, fame, recognition of merit).
    • The need for self-expression (the realization of one's abilities and talents).

The pyramid of needs reflects one of the most popular and well-known theories of motivation - the theory of the hierarchy of needs.

Maslow distributed the needs in ascending order, explaining such a construction by the fact that a person cannot experience high-level needs while he needs more primitive things. At the base is physiology (satisfying hunger, thirst, sexual needs, etc.). A step higher is the need for security, above it is the need for affection and love, as well as for belonging to any social group. The next step is the need for respect and approval, over which Maslow placed cognitive needs (thirst for knowledge, desire to perceive as much information as possible). This is followed by the need for aesthetics (the desire to harmonize life, fill it with beauty, art). And finally, the last step of the pyramid, the highest, is the desire to reveal the inner potential (it is self-actualization). It is important to note that each of the needs does not have to be completely satisfied - partial saturation is enough to move to the next step.

As the lower needs are satisfied, the needs of a higher level become more and more urgent, but this does not mean at all that the place of the previous need is occupied by a new one only when the former is fully satisfied.

At the base of this pyramid are the so-called basic needs. These are physiological needs, and the need for security.

Physiological: need for food, water, sexual satisfaction, etc. If for some reason it is impossible to satisfy them, a person can no longer think about anything, cannot move on to satisfying other, higher needs in the hierarchy. Probably everyone has experienced a feeling of intense hunger that prevents them from doing or even thinking about anything else. V. Frankl described this very eloquently in his book “Say Yes to Life”. Psychologist in a concentration camp. About how people living in constant fear, anxiety for themselves and their loved ones, could not talk about anything other than food. They talked about food at any moment of the holiday, and the work was very hard, they described the dishes that they once cooked, talked about the restaurants they visited. One of the most important needs that guarantees life, the need for food, was not satisfied with them, and therefore it constantly declared itself.

When the physiological needs are satisfied, the person stops thinking about them, forgets for a while, until the body gives another sign. Then you can switch your attention to the satisfaction of other needs. Of course, we have learned to abstain, to endure for a while. But only for a while, until the discomfort becomes very strong.

The next level of needs is the need for security. It is very difficult to realize any of your plans, dreams, work, develop, without feeling safe. If this need is not satisfied, a person organizes all his activities (sometimes neglecting even physiological needs for a while) in order to make his life safer. Global cataclysms, war, disease, loss of property, housing, as well as the threat of dismissal from work can serve as a threat to security. It can be traced how during the period of social instability in the country, the level of general anxiety rises.

In order to maintain a sense of security, we are looking for some kind of guarantee: insurance, work with a guaranteed social package, a car with modern technologies that provide passenger protection, we study legislation, hoping to receive protection from the state, etc.

The third and fourth steps belong to the zone of psychological needs. If we are not worried about unmet basic needs, in other words, if we are not hungry, we are not tormented by thirst, we are not sick, we are not in a war zone and we have a roof over our heads, we strive to satisfy psychological needs. These include: feeling of importance, belonging to a particular social system(family, community, team, social ties, communication, affection, etc.), the need for respect, love. We create systems for this, communities without which we cannot survive. We strive for love, respect, friendship, we strive to be members of a group, a team.

When these needs are not met, we acutely experience the absence of friends, family, partner, children. We most of all do not want to be accepted, heard, understood. We are looking for how to fulfill such a need, neglecting, at times, basic needs, the torment of experiencing loneliness is so great.

Sects and criminal gangs often speculate on this need. Especially great is the desire to be in a group among teenagers. And therefore, a teenager, often without hesitation, obeys the rules and laws of the group, which he aspires to only in order not to be rejected by it.

The next step is the need for recognition, selfexpression, respect for others, recognition of one's own value, stable high self-esteem. It is important for us to occupy some significant social position. We want our merits to be recognized, our competence to be appreciated, our skill to be noticed. This may include the desire to have a good reputation, status, fame and glory, superiority, etc.

Yes, and sometimes we ourselves should think about how much these needs are satisfied in our life, for example, in percentage terms. And, if these figures are less than the average figures given by A. Maslow (85% are physiological, 70% are safe, 50% are in love, 40% are in respect and 10% are in self-actualization), then it is probably worth thinking about that we can change in our lives.

It is more convenient for us, as sales specialists, to use a different classification, with the help of which we will find out what needs potential customers experience.

There are several basic needs which each person seeks to satisfy throughout life. If one of the desires is satisfied, the person seeks to satisfy the next need.

Need for survival. The survival instinct is the most powerful instinct of a human being. Every person wants to save his life, to protect his family, friends, compatriots from danger. Only having received a guarantee of survival, a person begins to think about satisfying other desires.

The need for security. As soon as a person receives guarantees of survival, he begins to think about the safety of every aspect of his life.

financial security- every person is afraid of poverty and material losses and strives to overcome them. It is expressed in the desire to save and increase wealth.

Emotional Security needed to make a person feel comfortable.

Physical security- each person needs food, warmth, shelter and clothing to a certain level.

The need for security does not mean that a person needs an armored door. He may well want to purchase high-quality wallpapers that will serve him for a long time.

The need for comfort. As soon as a person reaches the minimum level of security and safety, he begins to strive for comfort. He invests a huge amount of time and money to create a cozy home environment, strives to create comfortable conditions at work. A person strives for comfort in any situation and chooses products that are convenient and easy to use.

Need for an image. The client focuses on the attractiveness and prestige of the product.

Need for free time. People want to rest as much as possible and look for every opportunity to stop work and take a break. The focus of the bulk of the people are evenings, weekends and holidays. Leisure time activities play a central role in human behavior and decision making.

The need for love. People have an urgent need to build and maintain loving relationships. Everything that a person does is aimed either at achieving love, or at compensating for the lack of love. An adult personality is formed in conditions of love received or not received in childhood. The desire to create secure conditions for love is the main cause of human behavior.

The need for respect. A person strives to earn the respect of other people. This is the main part of human activity. Loss of respect can be a significant cause of dissatisfaction, and gaining a high position can be more motivating than money.

The need for self-realization. The highest desire of a person is the realization of the creative potential of the individual, his talents and abilities. Human motivation is directed towards achieving everything they are capable of achieving. Throughout his life, he strives to use the most talents and abilities. The need for self-realization may be stronger than all other motivations.

American psychologist Abraham Maslow created his famous pyramid of human needs, that is, a hierarchy of needs in order of importance for a person. (see fig. 1). According to the presented scale, we see that the need for security is in second place after the physiological one, that is, it is also one of the basic ones.

This need is inherent in a person by nature, it manifests itself and is activated at the reflex level.

Those people who have everything in life stability, a family, a warm house, a good car, reliable security, enough money plus - feel safe in the sense that they do not have to fight for life every day. Accordingly, their attention is focused on achieving higher goals: cognitive, aesthetic needs, self-realization. And, for example, a homeless person has no time to strive for harmony and realize his talents, he is constantly hungry and thirsty, his safety is always under threat.

The desire to be safe can also manifest itself in the desire to have a reliable life partner, find a good job with social guarantees, get married, buy a reliable home, etc. That is, a person in this case, as it were, receives guarantees that his life will continue to be prosperous.

Thus, the need to feel safe is one of the most important for a person, if it is satisfied, then there are further ways for personal development and striving for beauty.

3.1 Principles, methods and means of ensuring life safety

The principles of life safety are the main areas of activity, the elementary components of the process of ensuring safety. The theoretical and cognitive significance of the principles lies in the fact that with their help the level of knowledge about the dangers of the surrounding world is determined and, consequently, the requirements for carrying out protective measures and methods for their calculation are formed. They reflect the variety of ways and methods of ensuring security in the "Man-environment" system, including both purely organizational measures, specific technical solutions, and ensuring adequate management that guarantees the stability of the system, as well as some methodological provisions that indicate the direction of finding solutions. The principles of life safety can be applied in various fields: technology, medicine, organization of work and leisure. By area of ​​implementation, i.e. Depending on where they are applied, the principles of BJD can be subdivided into engineering, methodological, medical and biological.

On the basis of implementation, they are divided into the following groups:

    orienting, i.e. giving a general direction for the search for solutions in the field of security; guiding principles include, in particular, the principle of a systematic approach, professional selection, the principle of normalizing negative impacts, etc.

    managerial; these include the principle of control, the principle of stimulating activities aimed at improving safety, the principles of responsibility, feedback, etc.

    organizational; Among these principles, one can name the so-called protection by time, when the time during which negative factors are allowed to affect a person, the principle of rational organization of labor, etc., are regulated.

    technical; this group of principles implies the use of specific technical solutions to improve safety.

The last group of principles should be considered as especially numerous and diverse. Technical principles include such as: protection by quantity (reducing the quantitative characteristics of negative impacts, for example, noise intensity), or the so-called reduction of the negative factor at the source by designing more advanced, environmentally friendly technical devices (car engines with a low content of harmful substances in exhaust gases , computer monitors with low levels of electromagnetic radiation into the environment, etc.);

protection by distance, using the fact that the intensity of a number of negative influences decreases with distance; protection with fencing; shielding; blocking; sealing; weak link principle. The principles of ensuring safety must be considered in interrelation, i.e., as elements that complement each other.

Methods for ensuring the BJD. As you know, a method is a way to achieve a goal. The goal here is to ensure safety. BJD methods are based on the application of the above principles. Using the methods of providing BJD, we can coordinate the interaction of human characteristics with the environment, i.e. achieve a certain level of security.

In life safety, there are 2 concepts:

1. noxosphere (“noxo” (lat.) - danger);

2. homosphere (a sphere in which a person is present).

The danger is realized at the intersection of these 2 spheres. (See Fig.2)

It is customary to distinguish four methods of BJD:

    A-method: spatial or temporal separation of the homosphere and noxosphere.

    B-method: normalization of the noxosphere, i.e. improvement of the environment, more often the production environment, bringing the characteristics of the noxosphere in line with the characteristics of a person. The B-method is implemented in the creation of safe technology.

    C-method: used when A- and B-methods do not give the desired result and the required level of security. It implies the adaptation of a person to the noxosphere (training, training, professional selection).

    G-method: combines the above methods and is used most often.

BZD funds. Means of BZhD are specific means of protecting a person from various dangers. Protective equipment is divided according to the nature of their use into collective protective equipment (SKZ) and personal protective equipment (PPE). RMS is classified depending on hazardous and harmful factors (RMS from noise, vibration, etc.), PPE is classified mainly depending on the types of organs protected (PPE of respiratory organs, hands, head, face, eyes, hearing, etc.). )

PPE includes spacesuits, gas masks, respirators, helmets, etc. Safety equipment should provide normal conditions for human activity. This requirement should be taken into account in the first place when creating PPE, since many PPE create significant inconvenience and often drastically reduce a person's performance. It is because of this that PPE is often abandoned at the expense of safety.

The means of life safety should also include the so-called devices for organizing security (for example: stairs, ladders, scaffolding, scaffolding, cradles, etc.).