Automotive lawyer

Everything about how to restore a title without the owner, when you bought a car without a vehicle passport and if you are not the owner. Such documents include

Everything about how to restore a title without the owner, when you bought a car without a vehicle passport and if you are not the owner. Such documents includeA technical vehicle passport (PTS) is an absolutely necessary document for every car owner. Without it, you will not be able to perform any registration actions with your car. Not only will you not be able to sell the car, but you won’t even be able to pass the technical Read more

When restoring a lost vehicle title, I need a compulsory motor insurance policy, but it is expired. Restoring a vehicle title without a compulsory insurance policy.

When restoring a lost vehicle title, I need a compulsory motor insurance policy, but it is expired. Restoring a vehicle title without a compulsory insurance policy.Do you think that if you lose your car documents, driver’s license and identity card, you will recover everything in a short time? Also, do you think that if you lose a set of your car documents, you will be able to use your car without any problems? IN Read more